Spring comes with a New Offering
This winter was– a doozy🥴. In more ways than one. My kiddo and I seemed to be sick with one thing or another through most of it. This made for fits and starts on projects and a mandatory slowing down of our pace.
How was winter for you?
With Spring finally here, I find myself able to materialize many of the stirring ideas that were hibernating and healing with me through the winter. I’ll share them here beginning with my newest offering🌱
🪻New Coaching Offering🪻
I am adding specialized coaching sessions for Jewish people who are struggling with their identity due to the role of zionism in the genocide in Palestine.This is a unique offering of 60 minute, one-on-one coaching sessions for Jewish folks grappling with their identity during this time.
Here’s why.
Through various channels it has become clear to me that what is needed now in my specific community are more folks like me to make ourselves visible. I am white-bodied, Jewish, and about 5 years deep in an active process of decoupling my Jewish identity from zionism.
Since October, my friends, community, and even some family members have expressed to me feelings of loneliness, confusion, and isolation either because they take a strong stance on their beliefs about zionism, or because they are now beginning to question long-held beliefs about the state of Israel.
Many people in my community are experiencing tremendous fear of or actual loss of family and community through this.
Furthermore, we are now seeing Jewish folks going as far as distancing themselves from or even renouncing their Judaism because they want to distance themselves from this genocide and don’t know what else to do.
And that’s where I say, there is no way for me to remain silent.
As someone with intimate knowledge of what genocide does to the minds, bodies, and spirits of people who survive it, I can say with certainty that distancing ourselves from who we are is an extension of our own genocide.
It is one of the ways that unhealed trauma emanates from the traumatic event and ripples through generations.
When we let go of who we are, we lose our culture, our traditions, our art, our food, our language, our stories…and without this, who do we become?
I want my people to know that there is a way forward that includes fully embracing who we are and where we come from.
It involves reconnecting to our recent ancestors, their stories, their rituals, their resilience. It involves remembering what assimilation into whiteness attempted to steal from them and us and transforming that remembrance into the medicine that we need now.
Cultural transformation is not the same as cultural loss.
In fact, it is the medicine that heals and frees us and which connects to the healing and freedom of others.
This is possible. And there is a whole world of people out here with whom to do it– waiting for your unique magic. Even and especially if you have come to believe you don’t have any (e.g. you think you aren’t Jewish enough or feel totally disconnected already).
We are waiting for you. You are needed.
Come, join me in conversation.
Pricing for this offering is made deeply accessible through sliding scale 🙏
In solidarity,
Dr. Rebecca Cohen